Personal opinion on internet marketing

With Internet marketing, is not important the amount of visits you receive, but the quality. 

How can you get these quality visits? 

Well, nowadays there are many methods you can use to sell your product. You can do this through social networks that include a wide range of online programs such as facebook, twitter, forums, blogs, article, email, and many other systems.

 These systems are free methods, but there are others that you have to pay for. Some are better some are worse. And then there are those that are not worth anything at all. 

The more you add the better your chances are.
It is very important to develop a friendship with people with whom you try to get in touch.
Friendship and honesty are the two most important things if you want to maintain a contact with people and make sure that they  connect a relationship of trust with you .
Once people have acquire this relationship of trust, you can then propose whatever you want and they will almost automatically accept whatever you have, and you'll have more success with any business you propose. 

When you're choosing products, do not start out with a large range of things. 

My suggestion is that you start with one products.

Choose one that you like then look at a large number of systems. Study them carefully and pick one, choose thet one with which you find yourself most comfortable with and concentrate only on that. 
Some people prefer physical products and other prefer virtual products such as software, online books, etc. 

When you start having success with that, if it is a physical products, you can choose another one. And so on until you can create your own system that allows you to earn enough money to quit your job and live with that. 

With virtual products, it is a bit different. 

Once you've chosen a product, you continue with the same one. You keep working around it until it runs automatically. 

At this point, you don’t even need to work at it so much anymore. 

It will be enough to simply work for a few hours each week. 

And you will be able to enjoy more your life and time with your family, friends, or traveling around the world. 

If you find that a product does not bring you a lot of income, do not waste time with that. Leave it and pick another. 

As a wise man once said, It is better to do one thing and do it well, 
rather than take on too many things and leave  them half-undone. 

On the other hand, it is useful to not be limited to one thing only but to grow more and more, and always looking for new ways and methods of improving. 

As another wise man once said, learn the art and then put it aside.

This is definitely one of my favorite quotes. 

Any chance you have to learn something new, take it. One day, sooner or later, it will end up being useful. 

Then there are the fakes, those that promise you riches and goods, but in the end nothing happens. But that's a whole other subject. 

It's happened to me that I was cheated by some fake guru Or by people who send you fake emails. 

One thing I've learned in my experience with Internet marketing is to try and look for the simple people, those, for example, with homemade videos and little "professionalism." I found more honesty and help coming from these people. 

Not everyone has great experience on Internet marketing, but at least you can count on their honesty. 

I have had personal experience with some of these folks, and they delivered exactly what they promised.
After this I can only wish you a great success!

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